Digging into the upper back! Self Lax ball mobilization

Staring at the computer for 8 hours a day, going home and sitting to watch TV, looking down at your phone, but you work out for an hour a day. That’s not enough to fix the other 14 hours that you are hurting your posture. That’s where the lacrosse is a miracle in addition to a great posture throughout the day. Here are some upper thoracic muscle groups to mobilize with the lacrosse ball.

  1. Trapezius – Facing a corner of a wall, put the lacrosse ball on the wall and trigger point above the collar bone right on the trapezius both on the anterior and posterior sides. The trapezius gets strained and locked up a lot from hunching over, staring down, and the head not being in a stable position. Once you have the trapezius trigger pointed, try moving your head slowly in all directions – hold in one spot and try moving your arm around in all directions.
  2. Pecs – Facing a wall, pull the lacrosse ball on the wall and trigger point below the collar bone on the upper pec. This area gets jammed up from hunching over and also a lot of “Bro” workouts – bench press only! Move around on the lacrosse ball side to side and then up and down trying to find really deep points and move your arm after you find that sweet spot.
  3. Shoulder blades – Lying on the ground, place the lacrosse ball on your back starting at the first rib (right at the top of the trapezius) moving all the way down the shoulder blade. The ball is going to move down your back between your shoulder blade and spine and spend time mobilizing at each rib. Start with your arm pointing at the sky and at each rib, move your arm back and forth and then in all areas until you get to the bottom of the shoulder blade.

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